Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 5-Pictures

Here is a picture from last week's craft::

 And since this past Saturday was Take Your Child to the Library Day we did a special craft. I found the idea on Pinterest, the link didn't work so I just figured it out from the picture. I didn't put a magnet on the back of it though. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 5-January 29 Craft

I have been so disappointed in my findings for a Chinese New Year craft... Until I found this! 

I am trying to get away from what we call crappy-crafts, AKA my favorite, paper crafts. Print, cut, glue. And I do them because then I don't have to micromanage or cut things out for everyone. Or glue things for everyone. So, I am going to take a hint from my colleague and pre-cut things. Do more prep work. Plan more. Something I am not quite good at! 

Pictures coming craft on Wednesday! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 4- January 22

Last week was so busy! We did 2 crafts this week, one at our Martin Luther King Jr. Program the day before, and this little guy. He was a print, cut and glue. It was difficult to make. Folded up easy enough, but gluing it together proved harder for little fingers. 

For our Martin Luther King Jr. program I read Martin's Big Words and The Crayon Box that Talked. So craft was the craft idea was simple (and copied from KinderART) I found the template for the crayon and then tweaked it a little bit. I put a name plate in the center (which wasn't used, ha!) 

Here are our crayons:

At some point I do plan on finishing it up and making the "box". 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 3-January 15

This was an idea from my boss lady. Kind of a new year, new you idea. So we made vision boards, or as  explained it to the kids a collage of things you like or want in your life. I did mention the words inspiration somewhere in there. A couple of kids participated, but really, it was my boss, myself and Shamika (who works with the teens) who participated. We had a blast! I was wishing there were more teens there that day, this craft really was something they would have loved. 


  1. Cut cardboard to any size you wish. We used a ~7x7 square. You can also use cardstock as a background. Just not paper, too thin. 
  2. Grab as many interesting magazines as you can. We found that People, Ladies Home Journal, Good Housekeeping are best. Maybe some sports magazines for the boys. 
  3. Cut, arrange, glue. 
Here are ours: 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 2-January 8

Caldecott Craft

So, my intention was to have the children pick a quote from a picture book and then draw a corresponding picture. I simplified it to draw a picture and write a sentence about it, just like they do in the picture books. I only had like 3 kids at craft today though, so here is a picture of mine.

And here is a much more thought out program with a Caldecott theme.

  • I made a print out of a frame and a few lines for text.
  • I brought out magazines for cutting, if they didn't want to draw.
  • I also had the colored pencils, markers and crayons.
And here is my Caldecott book display: